- Details
- Written by Beverly Saunders Beverly Saunders
- Category: Uncategorised Uncategorised
- Published: 10 May 2010 10 May 2010
A two day workshop on Zero Waste and Resource Recovery Park planning will be held on Saturday, May 29 and Sunday, May 30 with international Zero Waste consultant Richard V. Anthony. All members of the Sunshine Coast community are invited to learn about Zero Waste and participate in sustainability planning for their region. The workshops are hosted by SuCESS, Sunshine Coastal Environmental Sustainability Society.
The workshops will be held in Gibsons on May 29 at the Cedars Inn and at the Pender Harbour Music School on May 30. The first day workshop will concentrate on Zero Waste principles and regional planning. The second session will cover Resource Recovery Parks and the participants will be invited to help plan the proposed RRP at Pender Harbour. Currently, the Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) along with Gibsons Recycling supports the Zero Waste goals as defined by the Zero Waste International Alliance (ZWIA).
Individuals, businesses and organizations are all invited to participate. There will be tables available for businesses and organizations at the May 29 workshop. Further information and table registration is available at
This is a invaluable opportunity for the Sunshine Coast community and is the first time that Anthony has been to British Columbia to speak. Organizations from off-coast are also expected to participate because of this unique and first-time opportunity to see Anthony.
Anthony began his career in Public Administration in 1971 as a manager of the California State University Long Beach Recycling Center. He received a MS in Public Administration in 1974. Mr. Anthony has worked his entire career in environmental program management positions. He is an internationally recognized and published expert in the area of Resource Management using the Zero Waste Systems approach.
Anthony is a founder and member of the Board of Directors of the California Resource Recovery Association, the Grassroots Recycling Network, the Zero Waste International Alliance, the USA National Recycling Coalition (past board member). In 2008 he participated in the development of Zero Waste Plans for Los Angeles, Austin, Dubuque, and the Island of Hawaii. He is an Instructor in the Californian Resource Recovery Association Certificate Program and Board Member of the California Resource Management Technical Institute.