Take action!
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- Written by News Desk News Desk
- Category: Take Action! Take Action!
- Published: 11 July 2016 11 July 2016
photo by FreeBigPictures.com
A proposal by the Sunshine Coast Regional District, the Chapman Water Supply Expansion Project, is meeting resistance from citizens and organizations. The proposal is to enable the SCRD to draw down an additional 5 meters of water level from Chapman Lake which will involve digging a deeper channel. The SCRD is currently asking the taxpayers to agree to a 30 year, $5 million loan for the project through an AAP (Alternative Approval Process).
In this process if at least 10% of voters must oppose the project, otherwise the board can go ahead with the loan. If the 10% threshold is reached then the District must bring the proposal before the voters. Elector response forms must be filled out and submitted to the SCRD office by July 26.
In their call to action, the Sunshine Coast Conservation Association's Linda Williams cites the Parks Plan for the Tetrahedron Provincial Park which protects not only the forest land but also the water source for 90% of the water consumers on the Sunshine Coast. Any changes to the plan that affect the water or forest must go through an EIA Environmental Impact Assessment and public consultation.
The Sunshine Coast Conservation Association has sent out an appeal to its members and other groups to help gather opposition response forms before the deadline. Forms will be available at the following locations: Gibsons: Gaia's Fair Trade, 287 Gower Point RoadSechelt: Sechelt Visitor Centre, 5790 Teredo Street (in Seaside Centre)
Pender Harbour: TBA
And at upcoming SCCA Outreach booths: Tuesday, July 19th: Sunnycrest Mall, Gibson Voters will be able to sign the forms and leave them to be delivered on the 26th. SCRD Director Lorne Lewis is opposed to this proposal calling it "an expensive band-aid" and has made his reasons clear in the following statement: Lewis Letter .