Take action!
- Details
- Category: Take Action! Take Action!
- Published: 10 April 2011 10 April 2011
Spring is the time of year when tiny Western Painted Turtle hatchlings emerge from their underground nests and head for nearby lakes and wetlands. Each tiny turtle baby is just the size of a loonie! The Sunshine Coast Wildlife Project is asking for your help in monitoring the baby turtles.
Happy Spring Everyone!The birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, and the baby Western Painted Turtles, who have spent the whole winter snug in their underground nests, are now starting to emerge! In the past two days we have been lucky enough to watch several adorable turtle babies crawl out of the ground and head to the water at three different nests. Successful nests have been observed at North Lake and at the newly installed nesting beach at the Iris Griffith Centre wetland!
We need assistance from the community to help us locate turtle hatchlings and nests. If you live around the lakes or wetlands in the Pender Harbour region, or are planning to visit the area over the next two months, please keep your eyes peeled for the tiny turtle babies (the size of a loonie!) and their distinctive nest holes.
The attached page includes colour photographs and guidance for identifying turtle hatchlings and emerged nests. Thanks for all of your help!
Warmest wishes, Michelle and Dave, Sunshine Coast Wildlife Project
[blockquote]The SC Wildlife Project asks
Please contact us if you spot turtle hatchlings or discover an emerged nest. Your observations help us to understand turtle nesting habitat needs, and monitor the success of these federally endangered turtles.
Do not touch the turtles unless they are in danger. Simply observe them as they make their way towards water.
Phone: 604-989-1007Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [/blockquote]
To learn more about the Sunshine Coast Wildlife Project, please visit: www.coastwildlife.ca
To learn more about the Iris Griffith Nature Centre, please visit: www.lagoonsociety.com