Each regional panel consists of a vice chair and two commissioners. The panels will represent and perform the duties of the ALC including all decisions relating to applications and planning issues for their region. Each commissioner and vice chair resides in the Panel Region they were appointed to.
Interior Panel Region
Gordon Gillette, Vice Chair*
Lucille Dempsey, Commissioner*
Richard Mumford, Commissioner
Island Panel Region
Jennifer Jane Dyson, Vice Chair*
Honey Forbes, Commissioner(I)
Clarke Gourlay, Commissioner
Kootenay Panel Region
Sharon Mielnichuk, Vice Chair
Ian Knudsen, Commissioner
Jerry Thibeault, Commissioner*
South Coast Panel Region
William Zylmans, Vice Chair
Gordon McCallum, Commissioner
Satwinder Bains, Commissioner
North Panel Region
Dave Merz, Vice Chair
Sandra Busche, Commissioner
Garry Scott, Commissioner
Okanagan Coast Panel Region
Gerald Zimmermann, Vice Chair
Greg Norton, Commissioner(I)
James Johnson, Commissioner*
* current member of the ALC
(I) effective December 30, 2014
ALC vice chairs are appointed by Order-in-Council, and members are appointed by Ministerial Order. Each appointee will go through an ALC-led orientation and training process as part of their duties.
The ALC is an independent administrative tribunal chaired by Mr. Richard Bullock, mandated to preserve agricultural land, encourage farming in collaboration with other communities of interest, and to encourage local governments, First Nations, the government and its agents to enable and accommodate farm use of agricultural land and uses compatible with agriculture in their plans, bylaws and policies.