Sunshine Coast in Transition celebrated 2015 with the One-Straw Society and a delicious potluck dinner in December. Thanks to everyone who came and thanks to all who contributed to transition on the lower coast last year. Whether actively connected to our group or an interested member of the public receiving these newsletters and other announcements, you are part of the innovative and progressively-minded Sunshine Coast culture and we appreciate you all.

Two of the SCIT team-members have decided to pull back from the core team to focus on projects so there is room for new people. If you want to play a core-role in the local branch of an international effort to promote community resilience and carbon descent, now would be great time to get involved.
To find out how to be part of the transition to a more resilient and less carbon-intensive society, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
As the Dust Settles from the Paris Climate Change Summit
Transition co-founder Rob Hopkins and a Transition Team were in Paris for Cop21.  Read up on their stories here: Rob's blog includes also includes interesting articles from Albert Bates, Bill McKibbon and Fiona Harvey.  The link is full of facts and information that are very helpful in digesting the outcome of the summit.
Homage to Inner Transition Pioneer Sophie Banks
Sophy Banks, the founder of the "Inner Transition" aspect of what we do, moves on from the Transition Network to new pastures.  She reflects on her past 10 years at the heart of Transition in this interview with Rob Hopkins here.

We have enormous gratitude to Sophy for all the energy and influence she has given to Transition worldwide.  Our Core Group member Dana Wilson filmed and interviewed Sophy at the International Transition Conference in the UK this fall.  See the video on our website.
Launch Party for Share There Ride Share
Save the Date! Friday, Jan 22, 2016, 6:30-9:30 pm, and the Persephone Brewing Company
Free snacks and live music. Sign up in advance and get more details on their website Share There provides event ticket sales and free ride sharing.
Transition Spotlight
Check out these interesting things!

    "What worries the world's most famous climate scientist?" This link was sent out in an email in December but there was an error so it is repeated correctly here. The article refers to climate scientist James Hansen.
    This link to a Bloomberg story about an eight-fold increase in roof-top solar subsidies in India. Surely, we will see some action from our governments to promote and develop alternative energy technology. Write your MLA and your MP to communicate your desire for change.