Happy December lovely folks,
Well, we've got lots to report - some great opportunities out there for learning and supporting our local food movement, so I'll keep my intro short.
Read on, and hope to see you out and about soon :
*** Workshops presented by the Live and Learn Project:
December 13th at the Sunshine Coast Arts Centre,
5714 Medusa st., Sechelt.
7pm – 9pm: B.C. Wildlife in Pictures with Rick O'Neill
Join Rick O'Neill for a photographic tour of the wildlife and habitat here in beautiful British Columbia.  He will share his many adventures in the wild snapping pictures,  and show you a collection of his greatest finds.   A great evening of laughs and stories.  Don't miss out!
Entrance fee is by donation
And don't miss...
December 16th at the Roberts Creek Hall,
1309 Roberts Creek rd.
9am – 11am: Holiday Appetizers using Phyllo Pastry
with Marlene Stephens
Marlene will show you how to make delicious treats for the holidays using Phyllo pastry. You will learn to use a variety of ingredients and techniques while making your own goodies. She will then send you home with the recipes to try out on your Christmas guests.
Class fee is $10 at the door
11:30am – 1:30pm: Explore the World of Mushrooms
with Stephen Murphy
Stephen, a mushroom enthusiast, will take you on a tour of the mushroom world. Learn to read a mushroom key, discover spore prints and how to grow your own mushrooms at home. We will cook up a few of these tasty delights then try them out. Come and be inspired by the mushrooms that grow all around us.
Class fee is $10 at the door
2pm – 4pm: Salves and Stories
with Barbara Higgins
Barb will show you how to make a salve with Comfrey that will make you wonder why you didn’t do this a long time ago. This salve can be used on all parts of your body and will make your skin feel younger. It also makes a great gift for the holidays. And if we're good Barb will share some tales of insight so don't miss out!
Class fee is $10 at the door
Presented by the Live and Learn Program of the One Straw Society.
Funded by a grant from Vancouver Coastal Health SMART Fund
To register: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
*** Winter Farm Gate Market in full effect!
Just another reminder that the winter version of our beloved Farm Gate Market is happening every Thursday from now until the end of March at the Roberts Creek Hall Kitchen between 3 - 6 pm, in collaboration with Curry in the Creek (www.curryinthecreek.com).
Stored root vegetables, winter vegetables, eggs, chicken (as available), locally-milled flour, bread, pies, preserves, and lots of other local treats to keep your pantry stocked and your belly satisfied throughout the colder months.  Visit the market and bring home great offerings for Holiday meals and gifts!
*** Permaculture Trainings Extraordinaire...
2012 Urban-Rural : Vancouver-Elphinstone
Permaculture Design Certification Course
Here is an opportunity for to take a low cost all-seasons permaculture design certification course that is spread sustainably over a year. Residents of the Sunshine Coast, Greater Vancouver Area and Gulf Islands are welcome. 
Join us for an adventure in learning. With the 72 + hour core curriculum we will learn together how to map and design our land and our lives, plan for emergency, grow food organically and work together to build a more sustainable future. Robin Wheeler will be a seasonal a guest teacher connecting us with timely actions to deepen our practical connection with the growing season. With this certification you will be empowered to use the word permaculture in your business and consider yourself a permaculture designer able to hire yourself out for permaculture consultations and teaching permaculture workshops. This green certification is a practical path for greening your life, resume and portfolio.
We meet up for a full day, once a month, rotating locations with the Heart Gardens, Sustainable Living Arts School, UBC Farm, Rolling Earth, Country Haven, Strathcona/Cottonwood Gardens, Compost Education Center/City Farmer, Old Growth Forest and the properties of students who want to host. 
Course Topics include 
* design methods * understanding patterns in nature * climatic factors * water * soils * earthworks and their use in earth repair * techniques and design strategies for both urban and rural applications * the temperate climates * dry lands * cold climates * humid cool climates * humid tropics * trees and their energy transactions * aquaculture * waste management * energy efficient architecture * legal strategies and trusts * effective working groups * right livelihood * money and finance * ethical investment * bio-regional organisation * effective aid* native food and medicine plants of the Coastal First Peoples and much much more. We have worksheets, permaculture design gaming tools, an online social networking and educational support platform, as well as over 50 learning gardens containing hundreds of Food and Medicine Plants as part of our outdoor classroom. 
The class will happen Tuesdays, once a month, beginning in December 2011 and running through till December 2012. The cost is $555, pay now to register and hold your space. The pre-class is in December with the curriculum beginning in January.
The facilitator, Delvin has a Masters Degree in Permaculture Education through Bill Mollison in Tasmania and has done advanced trainings with David Holmgren, the Bullock Brothers, Tom Ward, Judd Hobbs, and Robyn Francis. Proceeds from the course go to paying for Delvin's current journey in Australia in doing advanced teacher trainings with Geoff Lawton, Rosemary Morrow, David Holmgren and Robin Clayfield. He will return to the class inspired with new exciting content to share.  Delvin is a certified teacher through the Permaculture Research Institute and issues their certificates.
Robin Wheeler will do timely actions and practical hands on food preservation, medicine making and seed saving.
email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more details