Hiya folks,   As you know, we've been having our Farm Gate markets on Thursdays at the Roberts Creek Hall from 3 - 6 pm.  Naturally, these last couple of weeks have been a bit sparse for vendors as our local food producers either take some time off, or start shutting down their retail due to a lack of products.  Our apologies if you've gone out and been disappointed to see little selection.

But, I know that there are some farmers and producers out there who occasionally vend their surplus and who might be interested in bringing in some extra income for these lean winter months.  If you have any winter veggies, stored veggies, dried herbs, eggs, or other market safe products in abundance, consider sharing them with your community by vending at the Farm Gate.

We have 3 table spaces for vendors each week, and you can book now for a half ($2.50 fee) or full ($5 fee) table today!  
Contact me if you're interested:   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,  604.741.9859.

And speaking of MarketSafe ... (nice segue, hey?), there's a session coming up in March courtesy of the good folks at our local health authority.  Read on for more details, and contact:   604-885-5164 to reserve your spot. MarketSafe Wed., March 7, 2012;  ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­St Mary Hospital Sechelt; in Boardroom   9:30am- 4pm. Class size is ‘capped at 25  students.’

This course is open to  Sunshine Coast residents only. You must have mailing address from the Sunshine Coast.Call  604-885-5164  to register and save your spot. Cost $35;payable to VCH;  includes a book; just bring a pen.

Happy Full Moon!