Hello lovely people, It's that time of year again ... survey time!
This is when I get to be so grateful for all of you taking the time to complete this quick little survey, and you get a chance to give us feedback and share your feelings / ideas about the local food movement.  
A good deal of our programs and events are very generously supported by a grant from the Vancouver Coastal Health SMART Fund.  We use the anonymous survey responses in our year-end reporting to the funders.

Some of the programs & events include:

* Grow Your Own Dinner garden mentorship program
* Hands On Lands
* Creator's Touch Garden
* Farm Gate Market
* Fall Faire
* Edible Garden Tour
* Green Banner Local Food Directory
* Food Action Network emails & gatherings
and more ...

If you'd like to find out more about these projects, please visit our website:  www.onestraw.ca.  
You'll find our AGM minutes, including a summary of 2011's Food Action projects (CFAI) under the tab "About One Straw".

Ok - so here's the link to the easy-peasy survey: 

Food Action Survey 2012