Happy 2013 to you all!

Well, it's that time of year again where we ever so humbly ask for your help in the form of some simple feedback on our programs and events.

We do this in January of each year so that we can use the data for our year end reporting to our generous sponsors:  the Vancouver Coastal Health SMART Fund.  

Your feedback also helps us do our best to work towards a sustainable and food sovereign coast by tailoring our events and programs to meet your needs & the realities on the ground.
Feel free to visit our website first if you need a little refresher on what we do throughout the year:  www.onestraw.ca.

Please follow the link and take a few minutes to answer the questions.  There is ample space to include comments, so this is also a great opportunity for you to share your ideas or to let us know that you'd like to get involved.  I promise that it's a short and sweet survey ... it shouldn't take you more than a couple of minutes.

Just click on this link and away you go:

Thank you so much for your help!

Nadi :)

Director, One Straw Society